The lower Saddle Trail (the slide) opens on Friday, 6/23/2023

The lower portion of the Saddle trail (between Chimney Pond Campgrounds and the Tableland, including the Saddle slide) is open effective Friday 6/23/2023. The Northwest Basin and North Peaks trails remain closed, except for the southernmost section of the Northwest Basin Trail—between the Saddle Trail and Caribou Spring—which is open to allow connecting to the… Continue reading “The lower Saddle Trail (the slide) opens on Friday, 6/23/2023”

Additional Katahdin Trails opening on Saturday (6/17)

With the exception of Saddle below the Tableland, Northwest Basin, and North Peaks trails, all Katahdin trails will be open for hiking starting this Saturday, June 17. The section of the Saddle Trail on the Tableland can be used to connect to other open trails, and the southernmost section of the Northwest Basin Trail—between the… Continue reading “Additional Katahdin Trails opening on Saturday (6/17)”

Most Katahdin trails remain closed until further notice Until further notice, the only trails open on Katahdin are the Abol Trail and the Hunt Trail, to Baxter Peak only. Visitors may also hike the Chimney Pond Trail to Chimney Pond, but no further up Katahdin. All other Katahdin trails remain closed- there is no access… Continue reading “”


Starting Sunday, May 28th 2023 the Hunt and Abol Trails will be open for hiking to Baxter Peak. All other Katahdin Trails remain closed, including Knife Edge, Helon Taylor, Chimney Pond, Hamlin, Cathedral (and Cut-Off), Northwest Basin, North Peaks, Baxter Peak Cut-Off, Saddle and Dudley Trails. The Traveler Range trails also remain closed at this… Continue reading “BAXTER STATE PARK TRAILS UPDATE”