Activities Requiring a Permit
Baxter State Park requires a permit for any commercial activities taking place within the Park. Information from the permits allows the Park to track the number, group size, and use type, of Park visitors that qualify as commercial users. This information informs the Park’s management policy and procedures regarding commercial use of the Park.
Current active permits will expire on March 31, 2025. The new permit application period will be from March 1, 2025, until April 1, 2025. The permit will be active for 1 year and expire on March 31, 2026.
Click HERE to submit an application for a commercial use permit.
Please click HERE for our Guide To Commercial Use in Baxter State Park.
Baxter State Park is working to implement a new Commercial Use Permit application process in 2026. Currently, Baxter State Park is reviewing and updating our policies and procedures for commercial uses of Baxter State Park. Be sure to check in 2026 on how to use the new Commercial Use Permit process and obtain your permit. If you have a CUP in 2025, you will be contacted by email with directions.
Per Section 4.12 of the Baxter State Park Authority’s rules, commercial media projects in the Park require a special use permit issued by the Director. The purpose of this document is to explain to those interested in conducting a commercial media project in the Park the permit application process and limitations on the Director’s ability to issue such permits.
Please review our Guide to Commercial Media Projects and Media Permit Application or contact [email protected] for specific requirements regarding media activities in the Park.
Due to our responsibility to protect the park as a wilderness and a wildlife sanctuary, we carefully evaluate research proposals to weigh the risks to the Park’s resources and benefits of the research products.
Proposed research in the Park is evaluated by the Park’s Research Committee at an annual meeting the first Friday in March. Research proposals are due to the Park’s Natural Resource Director by February 1st.
More information how to submit a research proposal, criteria for research in the park, and other important information is found in our Research Application Guidelines.
Research proposals are only accepted electronically via an application submitted to the Park’s Natural Resource Director.